Daily King James Bible Verse

Daily Quote

About Us

 Me on the Belfast walking bridge, Belfast, Maine -- Summer 2009

My husband looking out over the Penobscot river 
at Fort Point State Park, Stockton Springs, Maine
Summer 2010

Our Kids Summer 2010

Hi, I'm Tammi. My husband, David and I have been married since June 11, 1994. We have 5 children: Zachariah 16, Nathaniel 13, Josiah 10, Elizabeth 8, and Rebekah 5. Each of them have blessed our family tremendously, adding joy, laughter, and lots of love.

Our Homeschooling Pilgrimage began in the fall of 1993. I was enrolled in my senior year at the University of Maine at Orono majoring in Elementary Education; and was student teaching at a local school when I had the strongest desire to homeschool my future children. I knew without a doubt that God was calling me to a different path than I had ever even considered, until that point. I discussed this with my then future husband, but he wasn't as sure as I was then.

I had actually forgotten this until we were expecting our first child. My husband and I were watching an interview with Micheal Card about homeschooling, and God re-ignited this desire in my heart. David wasn't on board just yet, but he did pray about it as time moved on and Zachariah and our family grew.

I can honestly say that I homeschooled "from the beginning". I was always teaching my children; reading books, doing crafts, cooking, talking together, learning together. Our family doesn't look much different in our everyday learning now than it did then.

Even though I knew I was called to homeschool, I struggled with this decision. I watched my friends prepare their children for kindergarten and wondered if this was the correct path for us. Our parents also played a part in adding doubt, asking the typical questions about socialization, finances, will they really learn, college, etc. Even still we carried on.

Now, we are 18 years beyond that first call. Our days haven't always been easy and some years look different from others, but we will not turn back, we will reach our goal of completing what God has called us to.

Would you like to come along with us? I am glad to walk with you, learn from you, and mentor you. I am not perfect, and I don't know everything. There are days when I call out to God for His Grace to continue on, but my invitation to walk with us is extended to you if you want to join us.

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