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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Two of the Books We Have Read Together In January 2011

We use the Charlotte Mason Method in our homeschool, which means we read a lot of books, both individually and as a family. I wanted to start sharing some of the books that we have read together with you.


We have been reading about missionaries for many years and for the last year we have been reading from the YWAM books Christian Heroes: Then and Now by Janet and Geoff Benge. During January we read Amy Carmichael: Rescuer of Precious Gems. If you have never read a biography about Amy Carmichael this would be a good place to start. Amy had a heart for God and for His "least of these". Her faith was unshakable, and wide reaching. My children and I have learned so much from reading biographies about the missionaries,  and Amy Carmichael was no exception. My children could not wait to get to our reading time each morning so they could hear more.

Another series we have been reading is the Crimson Cross Series by Peter Marshall and David Manual. Nate Donovan Revolutionary Spy is the third in this series. Peter Marshall combines fiction and history to create a believable story. In Nate Donovan Revolutionary Spy we meet William, Lydia, Charles, Nate, Rachel, Andrew and Molly, the Donovan family, an Irish Quaker family, Running Fox, Major Tallmadge, Colonel Cadwalader, Captain McLane, David Bushnell, Jacob and Odus Levering, Pastor George Duffield, Hyam Solomon, Aunt Neuss, Sally Winston, Widow Foulke, Mr, Ludwig, General Washington, Captain Hamilton, Marquis de Lafayette, Tad Walker, General Wayne, Dr. Rush, General Howe, and Captain Andre.

In 1777, America is in the mist of a war with England. Philadelphia is under British occupation, and the continental army is fighting for America's freedom; without many of life's necessities:  food, warm clothes and shoes. General Washington has chosen to live much the way his men live, while the British live in relative luxury, in homes they have seized and occupied from Philadelphia's residence. 

Nate Donovan,15, wants to join the Continental army, but he is too young. Although he became General Washington's youngest spy. Nate knows that if he is caught he will be hanged  by the British. His friend Running Fox and he work together as they try to outwit the British and get the needed information to General Washington. Will they be caught? If they do the punishment is death by hanging.

At the end of the book Peter Marshall has included a Historical Note where the truth is separated from the fiction. You may be surprised to learn what is fiction, because the story is so well written that it is quite believable. My oldest son said, "Oh Man, I was hoping that part was true", when I read the Historical Note, but I will not reveal the part he was referring to, so that you can enjoy reading the story for yourself.

**I have purchased these books from: Peter Marshall Ministries and Christian Book Distributors

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