Have you ever come across something so horrible that it was beautiful? That is often the case with true stories from the Holocaust era. For some in that era -- such as Corrie ten Boom -- it is absolute evil but with with God turning the circumstances for good. I met such a woman -- Anita Dittman -- and wrote her book in 1980. Forgive me, but I am going to do something unusual and plug the book. I am not doing this for sales or for my own glory, but as a way of showing you that with God, all things are possible.
The book title has been changed over the years and now goes by Trapped in Hitler's Hell. Sounds kind of dreadful, I know. At the time, both Bethany House and Tyndale House wanted the manuscript and Tyndale won out. In 2005, Lighthouse Trails published this remarkable story of one unique woman who carried a verse in her heart 24/7:God causes all things to work for good to those who love God and who are called according to His purposes (Romans 8:28). In every circumstance, God was there for Anita just as He is for the trials you endure.
Trapped in Hitler's Hell: A Young Jewish Girl Discovers the Messiah's Faithfulness in the Midst of the Holocaust - Book or DVD
I would like to refer to an e-mail I got last week. It is from Lorri and she writes: "I opened the book with the intent of just flipping through the pages to get an overview of the story and just read it later. However, after just reading the first page, I could not put the book down. What a powerful and awesome story. This would make a terrific movie."
She continues, "I didn't think I could find a book that would compare to some of my favorite authors. But Trapped in Hitler's Hell far exceeds any of them. Not so much because this story is actually true, but because of the overwhelming conviction I felt as I read of the strength and courage of Anita Dittman displayed when she shared her faith in Christ during such a time of horror.
"Yes, I shed tears as I reflected on the many opportunities to share the gospel with friends and loved ones, reminded that I held back fearing rejection. Nothing stopped Anita from glorifying God and encouraging those around her who were also going through the affliction known as the Holocaust. She just believed for the miracle of deliverance daily and being reunited with her mother as they had been rounded up and sent to different concentration camps."
Lorri states, "I want to say that this book is a must-read for all Christians. It is a faith builder. I am not sure believers in America and other parts of the West understand persecution and contending for the faith on this level. Perhaps persecution will force us to quit relying on ourselves and put our whole trust in Christ Jesus."
Over the years, I have had similar testimonials given about Anita's story. Yes, the Holocaust and WWII is a worst-case scenario when it comes to standing up for Jesus and counting the cost. We clearly have God-haters today but I am not so sure they compare to the Third Reich who gleefully put people in supposed "showers," gassed them, and then put them in ovens. I will never understand how the Germans, particularly in rural communities near the concentration camps, ignored the smell of burning flesh in the ovens. Clearly, they had sold out to the Nazis as life in Germany was hard and Hitler promised the moon. So, they were self-deluded. We can see some of that same delusion today in America as certain leaders promise things that will never materialize.
At various meetings I have watched people at my book table step back in horror at merely seeing the cover of a Holocaust book. They can't imagine that it has many pages of encouragement and edification. It broke my heart to see them walk away or even comment that they were not brave enough to pick it up because Anita's book can change one's life. Give yourself a gift of inspiration and at the same time be infilled with the wonder of God. His awesome hand of protection that is available for you just as it was for Anita and her mother.
In a sense many are going through their own Holocaust, whether it be family issues, financial problems, health dilemmas, etc. We get e-mails that say some have lost hope. Then I doubly encourage you to get this book to restore your faith. Our God is the God of the impossible. And at 83, Anita still shares her testimony when invited.
On Saturday, April 24, we had our spring conference, Hope in the Midst of Troubling Change. With about 1,500 in attendance, Dr. Gary Frazier covered current events in light of Bible prophecy, focusing on the imminent return of Christ and also how America fits into the one-world global plan spelled out in the book of Revelation. Eric Barger dealt with some troubling church issues with which many can identify.
There were four messages and a Q & A session at the close. We are offering five CDs for $20 + $5 S/H or three DVDs for $30 + $5 S/H. Please allow two more weeks for editing, duplication, and mailing. You can place your order here. Keep in mind that the DVDs include valuable PowerPoint presentations. You can also call our office with a Visa, MasterCard, or Discover Card: 763-493-3010 or 763-210-8291. Please allow 2 1/2 more weeks for production.
Olive Tree Spring Conference

The times of our generation grow more perilous with each passing day. Those who do not cling to the promises of the Bible, as Eric Barger pointed out in his second message, are going to sink to the bottom of the ocean, or at least become defeated Christians treading water. That is why Olive Tree Ministries keeps offering you products, radio, conferences, our Web site, and newsletters to keep you apprised, informed, and understanding the times like the sons of Issachar (I Chronicles 12:32). All that is happening is scripted in the Bible. None of it should be shocking if you know the divine plan for the end of the age. Are we there yet? We do not know but it would seem so.
We do not know what kind of persecution is coming from people in high places who do not appreciate conservative Christians or our message. We do not know what kind of freedoms we may lose in the coming months and years. Reflecting back on Anita Dittman, her family -- like many Jews in Europe -- did not fully understand what was happening in Germany until it was too late. Then they tried to flee, but their passports to freedom were sealed at the border -- literally at the last minute. Yes, they were trapped but that's because God had an assignment for Anita and her mother. It was to build up their fellow prisoners in the faith -- that is, those who would listen. Many did not.
You, too, are here on assignment. God has called you to some specific duties in these troubling times. Absolutely nothing can harm you as long as you serve the Lord in whatever capacity He has called you to. Know that "no weapon that is formed against you will prosper." (Isaiah 54:17)
Please get acquainted with "Understanding the Times" radio. We are live out of two stations in Minneapolis/St. Paul: AM980 KKMS and AM1280 "The Patriot." We air Saturday, 9 to 11 a.m. CST on both stations. KKMS replays the program Sunday, 12 to 2 p.m. and "The Patriot" replays it Sunday, 8 to 10 a.m.
To see all our airing outlets, go here. For podcasting info via iTunes, go here. Remember that all live, weekend programming is posted to our Web site at "Radio Archives" Sunday evening. You can always "listen live" at the above radio stations. We are in our tenth year of broadcasting heard around the country and around the world on the Internet.
Visit our new Web feature, To Make You Think. These are short videos that pack a punch, message, inspiration, and more.
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Awaiting His return,
Jan Markell
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Olive Tree Ministries, Inc.
Box 1452
Maple Grove, MN 55311
763-493-3010 or 763-210-8291
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